The Japanese Friendship Garden and Museum is hosting a World Bee Day celebration on Sunday, May 19th

World Bee Day is held in recognition of the role bees play in sustaining a healthy ecosystem, ensuring our food supply and ultimately the future of humanity. The purpose of our event is to raise awareness of the vital importance of bees and all pollinators, the threats they face and actions every individual can take to protect them.

The JFGM will be partnering with other Balboa Park and community organizations including the Air and Space Museum, Natural History Museum, SD Beekeeping Society, SD Youth Symphony, CA Native Plant Society, Hives for Heroes and other groups to showcase bees through exhibits, music, interactive demonstrations, microscopic observations, art and educational hands-on activities.  This fun and purposeful community event will be held on Sunday, May 19th, 10:00-2:00 in the Upper Garden area. Our guest stars will be live HONEY BEES!

FREE with admission!

Call for Artists: Community Art Exhibit

The Japanese Friendship Garden and Museum calls for artists to submit original artwork inspired by World Bee Day. Submissions received will debut at the 2024 World Bee Day Event and be on display from May 19th through June 2024 inside the Education Center. Submissions are open to local, national, professional, and amateur artists with various mediums allowed.

Scheduled Programs

Japanese Friendship Garden and Museum

The mission of the Japanese Friendship Garden and Museum of San Diego (JFGM) is to develop a traditional Japanese garden as a center to educate, engage, and inspire. The Garden's managed bee colony are a living symbol of our connection to nature.

Children of all ages will be able draw bees or flowers on round cardboard buttons - to be attached with magnets to their clothes when they are finished.



San Diego Beekeeping Society

The mission of the San Diego Beekeeping Society is to educate and encourage responsible beekeeping.

Come enjoy both educational and interactive games and puzzles. Experienced beekeepers will be onsite to answer questions on the world of bees. Plus enjoy the stars of the show- LIVE BEES (in the safety of an observation frame). Free honey bee pins for guests.




Natural History Museum

The Mission of the Natural History Museum is to interpret the natural world through research, education and exhibits; to promote understanding of the evolution and diversity of southern California and the peninsula of Baja California; and to inspire in all a respect for nature and the environment.

Stop by the Nat’s booth as they will have fascinating bugs and bees and pollinator specimens. Guests will have the opportunity to observe up close and "ask a scientist."



CA Native Plant Society, San Diego

The mission of the CANPS is to save California’s native plants and places using both head and heart. CNPS brings together science, education, conservation, and gardening to power the native plant movement.

Their display area will be filled with live native plants and native plant information. Activity: Scavenger hunt (inconspicuously placed items around fujidana). Free seeds available.



Air and Space Museum

Preserve, Inspire, Educate, Celebrate! Preserve significant artifacts of air and space history and technology. Inspire excellence in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Educate the public about the historical and social significance of air and space technology and engage its promise for the future.

Bee Sound Simulator

Assemble your very own bee simulator and learn on the buzz of bees.

How Bees Fly

Gaze through a microscopes to get a closer look at the wings of bees.



Lemon Grove Garden & Nature Club

The mission of Lemon Grove Garden and Nature Club is to promote the love of gardening, urban farming, tree planting, floral design, and environmental responsibility and conservation.

Make and take your own craft for solitary bees using bamboo. Learn the set-up for Pollinator plants. Free seed packets available!



Kamishibai with Write Out Loud

Kamishibai is used to entertain and educate. Kamishibai story-telling enhances oral, visual, and print literacy. The stories rely on lively dialogue and highly dramatic situations that engage audiences both emotionally and intellectually.



Hives for Heroes

A national non-profit Veteran's military service organization focusing on honey bee conservation and a healthy transition from service providing connection, purpose, and heathy relationships, fostering a lifelong hobby in beekeeping.

Hives for Heroes personnel will arrive in military gear and discuss well-being aspects of beekeeping. Videos and photos will decorate their space. Take part in a contest to receive a full-size beehive, ready for the bees!



Golden Coast Mead

Golden Coast Mead is a company that exists to regenerate the apiculture industry in The United States.  They produce alcohol using honey, usually organic honey, without preservatives or artificial ingredients.  Every sip of their 12% mead requires honey bees visiting 10,000 flowers. Golden Coast Mead couldn't do what they do without the bees, and they are working to help the bees flourish by creating an industry transforming definition of Regenerative, Organic Honey.



Bee Leaf USA

Born in San Diego California, Bee Leaf USA Inc is an environmentally conscious company, designing, implementing and maintaining sustainable programs. We add support and pave pathways to utilize, promote, and monetize, the locally procured honey and garden produce.

Come see Bea Leaf USA and enjoy some honey samples, observe live bees in their observation hive (can you find the queen bee?), and learn about native plants that help bees in their pollination mission.

LKW STEM Foundation

Build-A-Bee Biomimicry Join us as we get young minds buzzing with excitement as they explore the fascinating world of bees! Let’s learn about the incredible influence bees have on human society, innovation, and the food we eat every day. Critically think and creatively construct from fuzzy, funky and fun recyclable craft materials to construct your very own Bee Buddy!

2024 World Bee Day Partners