To be Performer or demonstrator for the 2023 Otaku Smash Fest, please fill out the form below.


3:00PM- La Jolla Taiko (Front Gate)

4:00PM- Project Smile

5:00PM- Chum Dance Cover

6:00pm- Cosplay Contest

7:00PM- SuperNova

The ultimate culture clash of motorsports and anime! Both passions thrive in harmony through a collective of motorsports fans addicted to anime. Inspired by the golden eras of Japanese car culture and animation, Cars N' Anime SD is a San Diego exclusive show that builds on those legacies for future generations to enjoy!

Nunchaku: Otaku Edition

Come join us to learn the art of the nunchaku! The nunchaku is most widely used in martial arts such as Okinawan kobudo and karate. It is intended to be used as a training weapon, since practicing with it enables the development of quick hand movements and improves posture. An ancient style of Japanese combat, this can build your upper-body strength and give you invigorating workouts. Beginner or expert, this is a program for everyone!

Beginner’s Course

Saturday, September 16th, 2023

3:30pm-4:30pm | 4:30pm-5:30pm | 5:30pm-6:30pm

Upper Garde | Ceremonial Gates

JFG Member: $30 | Non-Member: $35

Spaces are Limited!